Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals Submission Deadline: April 15, 2025

2025 Annual IC3 Conference & Expo

20 & 21 August 2025
Jio World Convention Centre, Mumbai, India

Step 1: About Your Session Proposal

  • Provide the session title (maximum 10 words)
  • Provide the session description (maximum 110 words)
  • Select the sub-theme that matches your session proposal topic
  • List up to three learning objectives of the session (maximum 110 words)
  • Select the session content level: Introductory/ Intermediate/ Advanced

*Important note:

Please note that the sessions are professional development opportunities for attendees and must not advertise any individual, institution, or organization.

Step 2: Select Your Session Format

  • Presentation:

    (: To disseminate information, research findings, facts, processes, procedures, etc.

  • Panel discussion:

    (To provide an interactive discussion of ideas, experiences, and best practices)

*Important note:

Duration: All sessions are 60 minutes long and must include a Q&A and wrap-up within that time.

Step 3: Share any additional details that you would like the
IC3 Content & Research Committee to know about your proposal

Step 4: About the Speaker(s)

  • Full name
  • Professional details
  • Short bio (maximum 110 words)

*Important notes:

  • Maximum speakers: Up to four, including the moderator
  • We recommend that proposals include speakers presenting a range of perspectives on the desired topic
  • All speakers are required to be physically present for the session during the conference
  • The session moderator must be identified and able to facilitate the discussion while incorporating the input of speakers
  • Speakers may present in a maximum of two sessions

Click on “Submit Proposal”

  • Step 1: Click on “Need to create an account?” (*Required only once. Directly log in henceforth.*)
  • Step 2: Enter your details
  • Step 3: Enter details about your proposal and speakers, and submit
The IC3 Content & Research Committee will review session proposals as they are received. Session proposals that are incomplete or lack detail will not be considered for review by the committee. The committee will adhere to the pre-decided timelines and will not be able to accommodate any session proposals post the deadline (15 April 2025). The committee will share session proposal decisions in June 2025.
If you have any questions please email and include "2025 Annual IC3 Conference & Expo Session Proposal" in the subject line.
Submit a session proposal